Partridge Donaldson vie for reelection

By Sue Tiffin

Published June 19 2018

Suzanne Partridge is marking 20 years in politics by running to stay involved as Deputy Mayor of Highlands East.

“I’ve been in [politics] for awhile now and I enjoy it” said Partridge. “I feel I provide a good service to the community. I’m willing to carry on for the community.”

Partridge sat on the school board for three years prior to becoming a councillor in Cardiff in 1998 and then reeve prior to amalgamation. In Highlands East she was councillor for a term before two terms as deputy mayor (previously known as deputy reeve). She is currently also the warden of the county. Partridge has found her two decades in politics enjoyable.

“I find it really rewarding” she said. “I like the long-range planning and looking toward the future for the benefit of the municipality. I really like it when we can set the example rather than follow other examples — be the leaders.”

Partridge said she ran again to follow through on projects that were in various stages of completion including a goal of connecting the communities within the municipality.

“I’m really looking forward to carrying on with bringing the whole municipality together” she said. “I think we’ve done a good job of doing that with our committees – people from each corner of the municipality working together. It’s been a long haul to be one rather than four. We’re not there yet but we’re getting there.”

An avid gardener Partridge has cut back on work through her self-employed gardening business in order to serve on council and as warden. Partridge is often interested in environmental issues and impact.

“Without a healthy environment we have no economy in Haliburton County” she said. “Without that life as we know it doesn’t exist.”

Partridge said being involved in politics for two decades has been significant.

“I can’t believe it myself” she said. “I was the age of people I’d like to see running for council when I first started. I’d like to see more younger people but it’s hard when you have to work frequently to support a family and it takes a lot of time.”

In Dysart Tammy Donaldson who currently serves as Ward 3 councillor filed her papers for re-election last week. Donaldson said she was “just starting to get the hang of things” after her first term of council.

“It wasn’t a bad experience” she said. “It’s just learning how everything works and operates and what you think you can do and what you find out you can’t just because of the policies and bylaws. It’s quite a learning curve. Now that I have that little bit under my belt it’s kind of a shame to just throw it away.”

Donaldson said she would like to see Harcourt Community Centre flourish. As a councillor she currently sits on the Harcourt hall board the Glebe Park and museum committee the parks and recreation committee the cultural resources committee and as chair on the economic development committee.

Cindy Baumhour is also running for the Ward 3 position.

Mayor: Dave Burton Cheryl Ellis
Councillor Ward 1: Steven Kauffeldt Cam McKenzie
Councillor Ward 2: Suzanne Partridge Jane Russell
Councillor Ward 3: Cec Ryall (acclaimed)
Councillor Ward 4: James Deterling Peter Fredricks Bradley Keller Ruth Strong.
Go to to read previous stories about candidates in Highlands East.

Election day will be held on Oct. 22. Unofficial lists of candidates are being updated daily in election sections of municipal websites.